Knowledgebase » Troubleshooting »
With some server configuration, there is a cURL error when using Stripe or PayPal payment gateway. It will display an error similar to this one:
cURL Error 28: Operation timed out at 2001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
You should contact your host provider to ask them to update the cURL library.
As a temporary solution, there is an option that HBook adds to the "wp_options" table to manage this error due to cURL. You will find it if you open the page yoursiteurl/wp-admin/options.php.
Search for "hb_curl_set_timeout" and modify the option: if it was set to "no", set it to "yes" and vice-versa. Don't forget to save at the bottom of the page.
If you don't feel confident doing so, please do not hesitate to send us a support request.